👋🏼 I am Evangelos Garaganis,

I am a software engineer and computer science enthusiast, with a keen on fullstack development and data engineering. I consider myself highly analytical and I love being creative with my craft.



Master's Degree in Information Systems Development and Security

Athens University Of Economics And Business

September 2021 - September 2023

Certification in:

  • Cybersecurity & Critical Infrastructures Protection

GPA: 8.94 / 10

Leveraging Semantic Data Lakes Capabilites Using Knowledge Graphs & Graph Technologies

Proposing the unification of an actioning and decisioning knowledge graph atop Niovity's semantic data lake to implement its semantic layer and further augment the metadata management, data exploration and lineage, along with enhancement of graph analytics.

[1] http://www.pyxida.aueb.gr/index.php?op=view_object&object_id=10857

Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and Telecommunications

National Kapodistrian University of Athens

September 2014 - September 2020

Specilized in:

  • Data Information and Knowledge Management
  • Computer Systems: Software & Hardware

GPA: 7.52 / 10

A Web-Based Survey Manager for Building Dynamic Surveys with Nested Visualizations

A web survey management tool offering untuitive survey building user interfaces, along with an advanced analytics engine for survey results exploration and visualizations.

[1] https://pergamos.lib.uoa.gr/uoa/dl/object/2928673


On Frontend Development

I've been developing web-apps for over 8 years.

Lume logo


For Static Websites

Next.JS logo


> 4 years

React logo


> 6 years

HTML logoCSS logo


Highly experienced

React Native logo

React Native

For Mobile Development

Tauri logo


For Cross Desktop Development

On Backend Development

Experience with Microservices & RESTful architectures, on both Java and JS backend codebases.

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> 4 years + Knowledge on Spring Security, Data & Hibernate

Next.JS logo


Capable with JS backend codebases, such as ExpressJS

Event Streaming
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Worked with Kafka event's streaming architecture.


Testing with Spock and JUnit

On Databases

Confident in both SQL and NoSQL, including OLAP.

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> 5 years, Highly Experienced

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Familiar with Neo4j's DB and DS ecosystem.

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Confident with MySQL dbs.

Programming Languages

Java logo

Java / Groovy

> 7 years

JS/TS logo


> 8 years

Python logo


> 5 years

C / C++ / Rust

Handful experience

On Data Science

Seasoned with projects along with knowledge following libraries:

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Other Worth Considering Assets


Software Engineer & Backend Developer

Information Technology Support Centre of the Hellenic Army

March 2024 - January 2025

During my service on the army, I was employed as a backend developer, where I:

  1. Authored business logic for an inter-governmental service workflow, in Spring.
  2. Developed a Java client over Greek's Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Citizen Gate REST API.
  3. Developed a Java client over GSIS Proof of Tax Awareness over SOAP.
  4. Co-implemented the OAuth2 protocol over GSIS, in Spring and Spring Security.

Software Engineer & Full-Stack Developer


September 2020 - January 2024

Niovity offers backend-as-a-service solutions and vertical repository management, over its data lake implementation. During my employment as a software engineer, I:

  1. Authored the Elasticsearch management, including analytics, batch operations, custom analyzers in Java.
  2. Co-implemented the front and backend parts of an in house query language compiler, over Elasticsearch.
  3. Augmented the in-house query language compiler with graph operators, along with the query federation over multiple datastores (Elasticsearch & Neo4j).
  4. Developed front-end applications and headless CMS using NextJS and React.
  5. Automated the domain-driven generation of diagrams.
  6. Release management and application deployment with Docker and Gradle over self-hosted environments.
  7. Bonus: Conducted my master thesis on Niovity's semantic data lake to propose the utilization of knowledge graphs and graph technologies for improved data exploration, metadata management and advanced analytics.




Apart from programming, I am a BJJ practitioner.